Pueblo Laser Therapy

sCold laser or low-level laser therapy (LLLT) refers to a device which is used to promote healing and decrease inflammation with no heating properties. The laser light is applied directly to the skin to treat various injury conditions, such as:
- Ligament sprains
- Muscle strains
- Soft tissue injuries
- Tendonitis
- Bursitis
The treatment does not hurt and may help with relaxation and temporary relief of the above conditions. Through application to the skin, the laser helps to promote the following changes within the body where the laser is placed:
- Increases Collagen to help repair and heal injured parts of the body
- Increases the ability of cells to become more energetic
- Helps to reduce inflammation and pain signals
- Increases local blood circulation in the body
- Improves nerve healing and growth
What type of laser do we use at Synergy?
We use the Microlight cold laser ML830, which is a low-level laser therapy (LLLT) used to treat pain in muscles and joints, some non-surgical conditions, some neurological disorders, and soft tissue pain. Microlight, through 12 years of research and 30 years of safe and effective use, patented the first low-level laser therapy and is approved by the FDA. The initial research focused on assisting patients with carpal tunnel syndrome to provide temporary relief of pain and other non-surgical disorders.
ML830 is often referred to as low energy laser (cold laser) with a wavelength of 830 nm per diodes. The laser is battery-operated, portable, and non-invasive. In contrast, surgical and cosmetic lasers, use thermos-destructive heat and energy which can damage body tissues.

What is ML830?
The Microlight cold Laser ML830 is a manually handled, nonintrusive, light-radiating medical instrument operated by a battery. The FDA recognized and authorized the use of the Microlight cold laser in 2002, in treating disorders related to soft and connective tissue syndromes. The main advantage of cold laser is it is harmless to human tissues and can be used on a daily basis. The FDA has classified Microlight ML830 as a Class IIIB medical instrument.
The Research – Carpal Tunnel, ATP Production, Endorphin Release
Though the initial research used to prove the effectiveness of cold laser was for carpal tunnel syndrome, the benefit of cold laser to provide relief or muscle, tendon, and ligament pain, arthritis, and other non-surgical conditions can be inferred.
Source: “Microlight Clinical Research.” Microlight Corporation, 1 Oct. 2022,
ATP Production
Dr. Noriko Mochizuki studies the effects of laser therapy and ATP production. ATP is a process in the body which generates energy within a cell. His study discovered that an 830nm wavelength laser light significantly increased tissue level ATP production; however, lower laser levels did not produce the same effect, such as 643nm.
Because the laser is not producing heat and ATP does not require heat to perform it’s chemical reaction, the response of increased ATP production was found to be caused by the laser photons. What this ultimately does for the body is stimulates the cell to accelerate repair and metabolism; thus enhancing a cells’ biological healing processes.
Source: Effect of near-infrared laser irradiation on energy metabolism in rat brain (no date). Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/245550663_Effect_of_Near-Infrared_Laser_Irradiation_on_Energy_Metabolism_in_Rat_Brain (Accessed: November 14, 2022).
Read more below:
Increased Endorphins
Dr. Laakso et al, performed research that looked into the ability of a 830nm laser to increase plasma levels of endorphins. His team found positive results and also determined that lower dosage lasers, like the study mentioned above, do not provide a benefit. They also determined that a 30mW power device delivered greater release of endorphins compared to a lower power device ranging from 5-10mW. Thus, a 830nm wavelength will help to stimulate pain-reducing plasma endorphins.
Source: PJ;, L.E.L.C. (no date) Nociceptive scores and endorphin-containing cells reduced by low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in inflamed paws of Wistar rat, Photomedicine and laser surgery. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15782029 (Accessed: November 14, 2022).
In short, the ML830 cold laser is a patented device with 12 years of research and 30 years of effective use in treating muscles, tendons, ligaments, bursas, and various non-surgical injuries. The cold laser was proven to be effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome coupled with Physical Therapy. The ML830 uses a wavelength of 830nm which helps to generate ATP and release endorphins to promote healing, cellular repair, and metabolism. The goal is to heal various conditions to help you return to the activities you love and enjoy. Here at Synergy, our goals are to help you heal as quickly and effectively as possible. Cold laser may be that one tool that is able to get your body to start the healing process.
Effect of near-infrared laser irradiation on energy metabolism in rat brain (no date). Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/245550663_Effect_of_Near-Infrared_Laser_Irradiation_on_Energy_Metabolism_in_Rat_Brain (Accessed: November 14, 2022).
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) (2022) Microlight Corporation. Available at: https://microlightcorp.com/low-level-laser-therapy/ (Accessed: November 14, 2022).
“Microlight Clinical Research.” Microlight Corporation, 1 Oct. 2022, https://microlightcorp.com/clinical-research/.
ML830 Cold Laser. Microlight ML830. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2022, from https://www.coldlasers.org/low_level/microlight-ml830/
PJ;, L.E.L.C. (no date) Nociceptive scores and endorphin-containing cells reduced by low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in inflamed paws of Wistar rat, Photomedicine and laser surgery. U.S. Natio
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