When to see Physical Therapy for acute back pain?
Low back pain (LBP) has been shown to be one of the most common reasons to seek healthcare, lost work time among working-age adults, and the cause of disability. Childs et. al. (2015) found that...
When to seek treatment for Concussions?
Concussions are just one of the MOST COMMON, yet most misunderstood injuries that occur throughout an individual’s lifetime and can occur from a variety of causes - not just sports related injuries....
Movement is the new medicine.
The Importance of why we need to be active when we are in pain. One of the most common misconceptions that we continue to hear is that when you are in pain you need to stop moving to stop the pain....
The Skinny on Minimalist Shoes for Running
Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Esculier et al (2015) define a minimalist shoe as: "Footwear providing minimal interference with the natural movement of the foot due to its high flexibility, low heel-to-toe...
What shoes do I need for running?
Running shoe design and sales is a lucrative business. There is the belief that the more expensive the shoe the better it is for running. Others believe that shoes based on foot type (high arch,...
Why you Need Red Light Therapy
If you are suffering from pain (new or chronic), low energy, inflammation, injuries that won't heal, muscle soreness, slow post workout recovery times, or anything that is keeping you from living...
Scar Reduction Method
image from: Scars can be an ultimate pain. Nobody likes to look at their body and see a big scar that just won't go away. Alongside this very...
The Centenarian Olympics
Some time ago, I came across a concept created by Dr. Peter Attia, MD, a wellness and longevity physician, called the Centenarian Olympics. This concept involves thinking of what you want to...
You Might Be a Spoonie:
An essay by DPT student Alison Golladay Imagine you were given 10 spoons. With each task you do, you must put a spoon down that cannot be used again until the next day. Different tasks cost...
Summer is Coming: How to Get Your Body Ready for Those Summer Hikes
Hiking is more than just a part of the culture here in Colorado -- for some, it's a religion. Whether you just have a few scenic hikes planned, or are a devout hiker planning a weeklong trip, we are...
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