When people ask me if I like my job and why, I always respond yes and in large part because I get to meet all types of interesting people that I otherwise would not. Today I had the privilege of meeting and getting to know a 90 year old WWII vet who flew 32 missions as a B-17 (think Memphis Belle) tail gunner. He is flying out to Washington, DC next week as part of the “Flight of Hero’s” to honor our WWII vets. To think this guy had the grit at 18 years of age to be a sitting duck in the tail of a bomber and survive 32 missions when the average crew member was dead by the tenth mission is amazing. What a privilege to get a chance to meet someone who is a true piece of living history. At the end of his session I thanked him for his service. I look forward to seeing him again next week. I am lucky to do what I do.
Why I Love Being a PT
Why I Love Being a PT
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