Preventative maintenance brings to mind changing the oil in your car every 3000 miles or blowing the water out of your sprinkler lines prior to the first freeze, but most people don’t associate that term with their bodies. However, we should apply this term to our well-being and perform preventative maintenance on our bodies and our minds on a regular basis.
Many think of receiving massage as a luxury when we should view massage as a preventative maintenance; something to alleviate pain from the body, mind, and soul, which prevents future aches, pains, and stress.
Most people wait to see a massage therapist until something feels tight or they start experiencing pain, but did you know that massage can help prevent injuries? Massage increases blood flow and reduces muscle tightness, reducing the chance of injury when you’re using those muscles from performing everyday tasks to running a marathon.
You don’t have to be a professional athlete to benefit from massage therapy. We use and abuse our muscles every day. Many who work at a desk will experience tightness in the shoulders from hunching over a computer screen or pain in the hands and wrists from typing. Receiving area focused massage therapy can help reduce and prevent injuries by loosening up the muscle tissues involved in activities such as typing and looking at a computer screen.
Massage helps alleviate and prevent stress by relaxing the body, which in turn relaxes the mind. Cortisol, the hormone responsible for the flight or fight response, is lowered with massage; and serotonin, the chemical responsible for maintaining mood balance is increased. A regular massage appointment can reduce and prevent stress.
At this time we are not offering massage therapy. We hope to offer this service in the future. Thank you for your patience!