Tips to Prevent Falls
- Increase Physical Activity/Strengthening: this will increase strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Examples: walking, water aerobics, tai chi, general leg/arm strength...
21 Anti-inflammatory Foods
There are many natural alternatives you can try before aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medication. These foods will also simultaneously advance your health with powerful nutrients which will...
Massage for Body Maintainance
Preventative maintenance brings to mind changing the oil in your car every 3000 miles or blowing the water out of your sprinkler lines prior to the first freeze, but most people don’t associate that...
Benefits of Sports Massage
Massages are something everyone knows about and loves to get. They are known to be relaxing and bring relief to your body. Recently the massage has been found to be very beneficial to...
Causes of Shoulder Pain and Popping
Have you ever wondered why your shoulder pops? I get this question quite a lot. There are several reasons for this very common issue. Unlike the hip where the socket is deep, in the shoulder the...
Heel Pain: It may not be Plantar Fasciitis
Heel pain affects approximately 10% of the US population, resulting in 1 million medical visits per year for treatment. Plantar fasciitis is typically the diagnosis the patient receives during the...
10 Tips to Reduce Back Pain
The following tips can be very helpful if you are suffering from most any type of back pain. They should not, however, replace an evaluation by your physician, or physical therapist. The “Do...
Understanding Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia may be healthcare's most poorly understood condition. It is a condition that is characterized by generalized pain, tenderness, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, digestive problems like...
Why I Love Being a PT
When people ask me if I like my job and why, I always respond yes and in large part because I get to meet all types of interesting people that I otherwise would not. Today I had the privilege of...
To Sit or Not To Sit?
We all sit. Either by choice or by necessity. Some of us more than others. Sitting has long been known to place excessive stress on the low back, leading to low back pain, sciatica and hip...
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